Friday, April 1, 2011

your dummy glasses

This layout was done for The Color Room # 49. I did it half way with only the banner, the reason I tossed this layout away because I discovered that we have to follow the sketch. Only recently I was told that the sketch is just for guidance and not necessary to follow the sketch but you must follow the colours.

After a couple of weeks being abandoned, I picked it up a few days ago and finished it up with some crazy photos, colours here and there...bla...bla...bla and here is "your dummy glasses"

because of so much camera can see the silver mist clearly on the black cardstock

Kinda lazy layout done by me, because I don't want to waste my papers.
Thanks for looking and thank you so much for all your comments on my previous post. Have a great weekend!


  1. I think otherwise!!!...It's beautiful my dear!! I heart this LO a ton.... hugs...xoxo

  2. Totally fun! Loving the way you used those paints this week! :)

    P/s: I never waste my paper either...just try to make them work somehow..;)

  3. Hey beb. I think it's awesome play of paint! Good one beb...:)))

  4. Hi Blossominch

    Very much like yr comments. Keeps me going on.

    Miss your perfect smile and cheerful face. Hope to c u soon


  5. These photos make me lol, so cute, and i love your use of paint, you are definitely good with paints!!!!

  6. it's pretty layout really, I love the way you use the paint :)

  7. this is so cute! :) me too always use up all my scraps..i use for my cards! lol! :)

  8. hi yuz,
    love the paint.u play with it alot lately.i love to play with paint but feels like me n paint doesnt go along ur lo...


Thank you for taking the time to write, your comment(s) brighten up my day!!!