Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ATCs swap

I promised a few of my blogger friends that I will blogged about the ATCs that I have received. Here sharing with you some of the ATCs (not all) that I have in my album collection so far...

front view: these 3 ATCs is a private swap between myself and LifeofLo-Ro

back view: thanks Alex!

front view: This is something classic - Quick ATC swap by Marsha Sutton from Swap-bot.

back view

front view

back view: These 3 ATCs is a private swap between me and AliceandCamilla


back: A private swap between myself and Yesh, ATC Loteria.

back: The above ATCs is also a private swap between me and Erna.


back: this is from Swap-bot, Musical ATC swap by Chandra Mountain. This photo was taken by her in 2009 and I love this photo, it is printed on a canvas like paper (I think).


back: I rasa Mia Zara pun boleh buat ATC ni.
This one is from Swap-bot, Musical ATC by Verne Jenkins apparently she is crazy over Rooster.

That's all happy crafting and thanks for all your comments in my previous posts'.


  1. These are AWESOME!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. You are building up a nice collection! Mine is growing nicely too. :)

  3. wow... those are just lovely...how interesting !!!...hugs...xoxo

  4. wow.. you have awesome collection of creations by so many craftists.. around the world :)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog... the ribbon that you are looking for..
    Have fun.. so many colours to choose from :D

  5. wah you have quite an extensive collection there!! the vintage ones are reaaall sweet!! :)

  6. Oh wow! What an awesome collection of ATCs! :)

  7. what an interesting collection..so many friendships built... beautiful! :)

  8. By looking at your ATCs, those are lovely ones!! So, are we swapping on the 26th. Mine is sitting there waiting to be swap...haha


Thank you for taking the time to write, your comment(s) brighten up my day!!!